Revolutionizing Survey Analysis: The Power of Automated Open-End Coding


In the realm of market research and customer feedback, the voice of the customer is critical. Every comment, suggestion, or critique holds invaluable insights that can steer businesses towards success. However, extracting meaningful information from open-ended survey responses has long been a tedious and laborious task, filled with challenges like time consumption, subjectivity, and potential […]

What Is a Good Open Rate for Email? Strategies for Skyrocketing Email Engagement

what affects open rates

In the email marketing world, few metrics bear as much sway as the email open rate. It’s responsible for the first impression. The higher it is, the better. Because it states that a larger number of subscribers engage with your campaigns.  Let’s delve into the intricacies of email open rate and depict what it is, […]

How AI Social Media Analytics Converts Data into Marketing Gold

social media analytics artificial intelligence

AI social media analytics is an enhanced tool that provides businesses with more granular and actionable insights for data-backed decisions. And provides invaluable help for companies looking to understand better their audience, the new trends and their social media overall performance. Let’s look at what AI social media analytics entails and explore how new AI […]

Winning Markets and Hearts – The Strategic Benefits of Psychographic Segmentation


Psychographic segmentation is an approach used in market research to group customers according to their unique personality characteristics. It enables more consumer-centric marketing activities and product development thanks to psychographic segmentation advantages.  Using Psychographics as a baseline for segmentation, marketers can understand the reasoning behind consumer behaviour. In other words, it enables them to better […]

Green Metrics – Mastering Sustainability Assessment for a Responsible Future

sustainability assessment to avoid greenwashing

Today, how companies operate matters. As such, sustainability has popped up as a key factor for success. Consumers and investors increasingly look closer at how organisations tackle sustainability and integrate sustainability assessments into their strategies.  It’s more than having a couple of green initiatives it’s about having a tangible plan. A structured approach that helps […]

Future Proofing Business Strategies – Data Analytics vs Business Intelligence

business intelligence vs data analytics

Business intelligence vs data analytics composes a duo that works behind the scenes to empower decision-making. They act synergetically to paint a complete overview of a business and support leaders to make informed decisions.  While business intelligence (BI) offers a panoramic perspective, data analytics (DA) digs into subtle details to discover hidden actionable insights. A […]

Best Software for Text Analysis to Redefine Business Intelligence


Deciding which text analysis software is right for your business is a challenge. Before committing to new software, you want to ensure that it will be beneficial to your specific needs and that your employees will find it helpful and easy to implement and adopt. To support you in the decision process, we’ll define the […]

How to Employ Qualitative Market Research to Understand Better the Consumer’s Behaviour


What influences consumer behaviour? That’s the burning question for every business and marketing company looking to increase their sales. Over the past decade, how we analyse consumer behaviour has been revolutionised by tools for social media listening and online behaviour analysis. But there’s a problem: these tools generally only focus on quantitative metrics, giving binary […]

How to Maximise ROI with Social Media Sentiment Analysis Tools

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Social media offers marketing teams access to a wealth of information, empowering them to hone their marketing strategies. Sentiment analysis executed via advanced sentiment analysis tools is one of the main venues for leveraging social media data.Let’s explore sentiment analysis, look at its best tools, find out how to choose the right tool for your […]

From Raw Data to Fine Tuned Strategy: The Art and Science of Social Media KPIs

social media KPI's

As a business, you are interested in measuring the effectiveness of your social media efforts. Besides engaging your audience, hashtags, memes or viral content, social media KPIs show you exactly how social media contributes to your business development.Reading this article will provide you with the needed knowledge to navigate the social media measurement intricacies with […]

How to Connect Deeper with Your Audience – Examples of Psychographic Segmentation


Lately, psychographic segmentation gained in popularity as it delves into the intricacies of customer behaviour, preferences, lifestyle and values. The examples of psychographic segmentation from renowned brands prove its value in driving business success.Just as access to quantitative big data revolutionised the possibilities of behavioural segmentation, developments in AI are shaping new possibilities around psychographic […]

Measuring Brand Awareness: Evaluate Your Brand’s Reach

how to measure brand awareness

A cornerstone element of any business is brand awareness. People who don’t know about your brand won’t buy from you. It’s a valuable KPI for assessing marketing campaign success and a relevant metric to track over time. But how do you track it? How to measure brand awareness?Continue reading, and you will find out.This article […]

Social Listening Strategy: Your Compass to Real-Time Audience Insights


Knowing what customers say about your brand is paramount in today’s marketing world. And to achieve this, social listening is your best ally. Plus, a strong social listening strategy to get the most out of the social media data. To build a strong foundation for success, you need to leverage the existing data and extract […]

What Is a Brand Positioning Statement and How to Create a Compelling One?

how to create brand positioning

What makes your brand stand out? What unique offerings does your business provide? Why should a customer choose your product or service over all of the others on the market? These are questions that you need to answer when creating a brand positioning statement. Brand positioning is how you want your customers to see your […]

Top AI Social Media Tools and How to Choose the Best One

Tools for social media marketing

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now part of our daily lives, one way or another. Social media is a domain where AI found a quick adoption and AI social media tools became the norm. Let’s see how AI impacts the management of social media and how it helps improve efficiency and enhance engagement. First things first. […]

How and Why Psychographic Segmentation Drives Business Success


Wouldn’t it be great to be able to read consumers’ minds? To know exactly why they buy and what are thinking about your business and products at any given moment. Well, by using psychographic segmentation, mind reading is almost a reality. Sadly, it is not quite in a Professor X kind of way just yet, […]

Hire Smarter, Not Harder – Top AI Tools for Recruiting

Ai tools for talent acquisition

Today recruiting teams receive large amounts of candidacies for each open position. Manually processing mountains of resumes becomes inefficient and the risk of losing valuable talents in the process increases tremendously. AI recruiting tools are called to streamline the procedures, reduce bias and shorten the timeline. Let’s explore how these modern tools can help companies […]

How to Fuel Your Business Expansion with AI-Powered Customer Insights Platforms


A clear and deep understanding of your audience is not a nice to have anymore, it’s an absolute must in an online connected world. To achieve this you need a reliable customer insights platform in your business arsenal. Consequently, more and more companies are interested in comprehending their customers at a more detailed and granular […]

How to Monitor Brand Mentions and Guard Your Reputation


Today is easier than ever to spread the word online regarding experiences with different products and services. Just a click of a button. That’s why businesses looking to strive need to keep an eye on such interactions. And here is where brand monitoring enters the scene. Think of brand monitoring as a sort of guardian […]

How to Master Customer Sentiment Analysis to Reinforce Your Business Strategy

what is sentiment

Customer expectations rise constantly and change frequently. Therefore, businesses need to keep pace. One of the most valuable tools to do this is customer sentiment analysis.   Even if it may sound complicated, integrating it into your processes will bring valuable insights. Helping your business to deliver better products and services and satisfy your customers’ […]

Stay Ahead of the Game with the New Market Intelligence Tools Powered by AI

market intelligence platform

Wondering what you need to improve your business decisions? No more struggles, welcome data-backed strategies that bring a competitive edge. Discover how market intelligence tools equip your company with advanced insights that will pave the way to becoming a leader in your industry. And how your business can be propelled to new levels of evolution […]

From Viewers to Leads: How to Gate Content Successfully


Are you struggling to get the attention of your audience in an overwhelming digital landscape? With a myriad of articles and content pieces generated each minute, it’s increasingly difficult to differentiate yourself and make an impact. But here is help: gated content. A tactic that could be a game changer for your business. Join us […]

Cracking the Code: Master the Business Valuation Methods for Success


When it comes to correctly determining the real value of a business, investors, entrepreneurs and experts confront themselves with a critical question: What business valuation methods to use to obtain an accurate result? Moreover, accuracy is complex and notoriously difficult when it comes to business valuation. Many factors are difficult to predict and assumptions that […]

Secrets of the Pros: How Business Process Optimisation Drives Impressive Results


Is your business struggling to achieve optimal efficiency and you are unsure how to handle a business process optimisation?You are not alone. In our digital, fast-paced era, remaining competitive and delivering high-level results is a constant challenge for every company. Inefficient processes jeopardize growth and productivity, lead to subpar products and/or services and finally to […]

Unlock Valuable Insights using Symanto Insights Assistant

Symanto Insights Assistant__

Over the past decade, the world has witnessed an exponential growth in data creation, capturing, copying, and consumption. According to Forbes, the amount of data generated surged from 1.2 trillion gigabytes in 2010 to a staggering 59 trillion gigabytes in 2020, marking an astounding 5,000% increase. To navigate this data explosion, consultancies and marketing agencies […]

How to Drive Profit in Investments

how to drive profit in investments

Do you want to learn how savvy companies drive profit in investments with predictive analysis tools in 2023? By analysing social media data, companies can gain valuable insights into consumer behaviour, industry trends, competitive landscapes, and more.In this blog post, we investigate why companies are racing to gather and analyse social media data using NLP […]

Management Consulting Trends: What Does 2023 Have in Store?

management consulting trends

The management consulting industry is at a crossroads. The days of traditional consulting are giving way to newer and more automated solutions. The race is on to leverage new technologies such as AI, machine learning, and natural language processing (NLP) to keep offerings competitive. Automation will significantly reduce the time required to complete projects and […]

Private Equity vs Venture Capital: What are the Key Differences?

Private Equity vs Venture Capital

The terms private equity and venture capital are sometimes mistakenly used interchangeably. Both private equity and venture capital firms share some similarities, for example, they both invest in private companies and exit by selling shares publicly (e.g., through an initial public offering). In fact, venture capital is technically a sub-type of private equity investing, but […]

So You Want To Know More About Distressed Debt Investing

distressed debt investing

Rising interest rates, high inflation, and slow growth are usually not terms associated with great opportunity, but in distressed debt investing, it’s a different story. Last month we briefly covered how private equity investors are increasingly looking to invest dry powder in distressed debt securities. Distressed debt investing is an exciting, yet complex and risky […]