How to Target Your Communications by Personality Type

targeted communication

Your customer base is not homogenous. It is made up of a myriad of complex individuals, each with unique backgrounds, and their own internal motivators. Targeted communication is about appealing to a specific subset of your audience. There are many ways to segment your audience, whether it’s through their demographics, their location, their online behaviour, […]

How To Use AI Software For State-Of-The-Art Crisis Management

crisis management software

Crises happen in every organisation. From your website experiencing glitches to broken links in your supply chain, big or small, it’s not a matter of if but when your company is faced with its next crisis. Prepare your company in advance to be able to detect and manage crises right from the start and prevent […]

How to Improve Your Chatbot and Boost Customer Service

how to improve chatbot

Your chatbot can make or break your customer’s experience of your brand. While customers appreciate the fast response times and always-available customer service, they also expect a conversation that is as natural and helpful as possible. Read on to discover how to improve chatbot effectiveness and, as a result, boost customer satisfaction. The Challenge of […]

Erstellen Sie einen Sentiment-Bot in Slack mit Node.js und der Textanalyse-API von Symanto


Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie das Sentiment-Modell von Symanto nutzen können, um einen Slack-Bot mit Node.js zu erstellen. Am Ende dieses Tutorials wissen Sie, wie Sie einen Slack-Bot einrichten und den Schreibstil des Nutzers mit Symantos psycholinguistischer Textanalyse-API analysieren können, um verschiedene Aspekte seiner Nachrichten zu verstehen: die Sprache der Nachricht, die allgemeine Stimmung, die […]

Psychology of Sales and Marketing: When Persuasion is Personal

Psychology of Sales

There are several established principles when it comes to persuading someone to invest in your product or service. But not everyone responds equally to the same psychological sales and marketing tactics. These principles need to be balanced and applied differently depending on your audience. Increase the effectiveness of your sales and marketing strategies by segmenting […]

Disinformation Wars: AI and Fake News Detection on Social Media

fake news detection

The widespread and tactical use of disinformation is a confirmed reality of modern politics. Social media companies introduced measures to help flag fake news, and advancements in AI could soon automate the detection of fake news and related issues such as hate speech. The Politics of Fake News Detection In 2016, Oxford Dictionary chose the […]

Empower Your Business and Customers with Individualised Segmentation

Individualised segmentation

What drives consumer behaviour? It’s the ultimate question for marketers the world over. It’s no secret that getting inside the mind of your customers is key to capturing their attention, driving sales and building customer loyalty. But the answer to that question is immensely difficult. There are so many factors that influence our purchasing behaviours. […]

How To Respond to “Less-Than-Perfect” Three Star Reviews

how to respond to three star reviews

“It’s okay”. It’s not exactly the feedback you want at your dinner party, or when you ask your partner about your outfit. Middle-of-the-road reviews can sting in life and in business almost as much as a negative review. But there’s a lot to be said for the occasional three-star review for your business, and if […]

The Potential and Limitations of MBTI for Employee Selection and Management

myers briggs employee selection

What is the Myers Briggs Personality Type Indicator? (MBTI) The history of MBTI The MBTI model is based on the work of Carl Jung, who founded analytical psychology. Jung was the first to ascribe seemingly random behaviour to the way people “prefer to use their mental capacities.” He ascribed three fundamental psychological functions that people […]

Financial Services M&A Due Diligence: A Symanto Case Study

Mergers and acquisitions financial services

Emerging reports reveal that mergers and acquisitions in the financial services market are at an all-time high. In 2021, the financial services M&A value stood at €22.6 billion. That compared with less than €2 billion just a year earlier, when there was an unexpected lack of M&A activity. This coincided with a rise in neobanks […]

Customer Service 101: Listening and Responding to Your Customers Effectively

listening to your customers

We’ve run case studies on everything from video streaming to banking services, and there’s one topic that frequently impacts customer sentiment: customer service. Customer support is a vital element of any business. When your customers encounter issues and get in touch with you, the odds are they’re already developing a negative sentiment around your brand. […]

Diversity and Inclusion: Practical Solutions for Eliminating Bias

diversity, inclusion and the elimination of bias

Diversity and inclusion is about a lot more than writing a mission statement. Companies that are serious about D&I must make an ongoing commitment to ensure that everyone feels valued and respected in the workplace. There tends to be a lot of focus on diversity and inclusion during the hiring process. But having a diverse […]

The Great Resignation 2023: Protecting Your Business From Employee Churn

the great resignation

The Great Resignation (aka the Big Quit) defined 2021 and 2022, causing employee churn on an unprecedented scale. In 2023, are we out of the woods? With persistent headwinds and mass layoffs hitting the headlines, you’d be forgiven for making the assumption that people are planning to hold onto their jobs in 2023. But with […]

How Different Personality Types Use Social Media

social media usage and personality

Measuring social media user demographics has long been a method for marketers to target their desired customer base. As AI (Artificial Intelligence) develops, researchers can measure personality traits from data on social media with increasing accuracy. It’s an exciting development for marketing teams looking to get the edge over the competition. Appealing to a certain […]

Was sind psychografische Daten und wie erhält man sie?


Es ist allgemein bekannt und muss immer wieder betont werden: Um eine wirksame Marketingstrategie zu entwickeln, müssen Sie Ihr Publikum verstehen. Bis vor Kurzem bedeutete das in Marketingkreisen, die demografischen Daten Ihrer Zielgruppe zu verstehen (Alter, Geschlecht, ethnische Zugehörigkeit, Beruf, Bildungsniveau usw.). Aber seit 2016 hat das Verständnis der psychografischen Daten Ihres Kundenstamms für Marketingstrategen […]