How To Easily Measure And Analyse Digital Reputation

digital reputation

What Is a “Digital Reputation?”

Also referred to as your online reputation, your digital reputation is made up of the beliefs and opinions expressed about you online. These beliefs and opinions can be authored by you, or by others. The term “digital reputation” can refer to individuals, brands or organisations.

Measuring and Analysing Your Digital Reputation

For larger enterprises, the task of measuring and analysing your digital reputation is more challenging given the sheer amount of content about you online.

The majority of content about your brand is unstructured and difficult to organise into useful metrics. That’s to say, there’s no easy way to tabulate the vast majority of big data online. Just think about all of the different types of content out there:

  • Website content
  • Social media channels
  • Reviews
  • News reports
  • Forums
  • Videos
  • Podcasts

This data is rich in information and insights, but notoriously difficult to quickly and accurately analyse.

Not only does the type and volume of the data pose a challenge for analysts, but the sheer speed with which such content is produced means that data sets quickly become outdated.

A Common Solution

One of the most common ways brands, marketing agencies and PR companies attempt to analyse this data is by using a social listening tool. There are several main challenges with most social listening tools:

  1. They are often limited to use on your social media channels. There’s so much other relevant content being created online effecting your reputation. Review sites are particularly relevant at a time when 93% of consumers are influenced by what they read in online reviews.
  2. While they are good at measuring engagement, they often fall short of providing useful insights into audience or consumer opinion about, say, a product or service. They’re better at telling you what type of content resonsates with audiences on your social media channels.
  3. They use simple algorithms to determine consumer sentiment in written content. The complexities and nuances in human language evade these algorithms, affecting the accuracy of the data.

Thankfully, advancements in AI technology have provided better solutions for those seeking more accurate and detailed insights.

Digital Reputation Analysis in the AI Age

The Symanto Insights Platform uses cutting-edge natural language processing (NLP) technology to accurately process unstructured written content wherever it occurs. Our Insights Platform has specifically been designed to analyse online written content and convert this unstructured information into intuitive data visualisations that inspire actionable insights.

Here are just some of the features of our platform that pertain to easy and accurate data reputation analysis.

Connected to 75+ online portals

Analyse written content wherever it appears. The Symanto Insights Platform is connected to over 75 online portals including major social media channels and popular review sites such as TripAdvisor, Trustpilot, Gartner and Google Reviews.

Simply enter a hyperlink to the page you want to scrape, and the number of comments you’d like to analyse and the Symanto Insights Platform does the rest. The platform is capable of gathering and processing thousands of written comments and reviews within a matter of minutes.

Want to analyse your own data set such as CRM data? No problem. You can also upload data as a spreadsheet or a CSV file.

Get deep insight into the topics driving online discussion

With its advanced NLP capabilities the Symanto Insights Platform can accurately identify the topics and subtopics that are driving online conversations, meaning that the parameters are defined by the audience.

For even more accurate results, the Symanto Insights Platform offers several predefined use cases including banking, car dealership, consumer electronics, eCommerce, hotel, pharma, restaurant and retail.

Explore audience sentiment by topic and subtopic

With more accurate sentiment analysis you can confidently identify pain points. Dive into subtopics to get to the core of what’s negatively impacting your reputation online.

The Symanto Insights Platform converts data into interactive visualisations that enable you to easily explore topics and subtopics in detail.

Benchmark your performance against your competitors

Since social media and review sites are publicly and freely accessible, you can use the Symanto Insights Platform to analyse your competitors and make like-for-like comparisons. Find out whether other major players in your industry share your pain points, or discover the unique strengths that set you apart from the competition.

Discover the psychographic makeup of your online audience

The Symanto Insights Platform not only tells you what people are talking about online, but it also reveals key information as to who is authoring comments and reviews about you online. What are the psychographic traits that make up your audience? Are they rationally driven? Are they emotionally driven? Are they information seeking or action seeking?

Understanding your online audience in this way will help you to communicate more effectively and build better relationships with your audience, thereby improving your online reputation.

Analyse Your Digital Reputation Today

Get in touch to find out more about how you can easily and thoroughly analyse your online reputation with Symanto AI technologies. Book your free personalised demonstration of the Symanto Insights Platform today.